Summer School plenary session 2014

The official program of the plenary sessions

14th July (Monday): At the Edge: Sustainable Development in the 21st Century

Attila Pánovics: Sustainable Development: a Dynamic Concept and its Principles

Cecília Szigeti: If Ecological Footprint is Not the Answer, What is the Question?

Eszter Lukács: Rio +20

Tamás Molnár: The emergence of migration and development nexus in the UN and in regional cooperation platforms


15th July (Tuesday): The Challenges of the International Relations

András Jakab: Breaching Constitutional Law on Moral Grounds in the Fight Against Terrorism: Implied Presuppositions and Proposed Solutions in the Discourse on ‘the Rule of Law vs. Terrorism’

Tamás Lattmann: Contemporary Questions and New Challenges of International Humanitarian Law

Eszter Kirs: Jurisdiction and Procedure of International Criminal Courts


17th July (Thursday): The Challenges of the European Union

Zoltán Pogátsa: Will the Euro Collapse?

Balázs Horváthy: The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership - The Revival of Bilateralism?

Hassan Engin Sener: The EU's Future Enlargement and the Challenges Ahead.

Mahmut Yavasi: One of the Biggest Challenges of the EU: Turkey's Membership Application.


18th July(Friday): The State in the 21st Century

Antal Szerletics: Legal paternalism

Péter Smuk: Democracy, power, constitution - concepts of constitutionalism