8th Batthyány Summer School

Call for Application
th Batthyány Summer School

Taking Human Rights Seriously
European Standards & Central European Challenges

10-18 July 2013
H-9026 Győr, Áldozat str. 12.


Organizers on behalf of the Széchenyi István University:

Batthyány Lajos College
Faculty and Doctoral School of Law and Political Sciences


 Honorary Patronage:

Prof. Paczolay Péter (President, Constitutional Court of Hungary)
Prof. Szabó Máté (Commissioner for Fundamental Rights, Hungary)
Prof. Polt Péter (Prosecutor General of Hungary)


Our Mission

 The subject of our summer school focuses on the wide scope of human rights with special regard to European aspects (in the light of the EU-based projects, initiatives and normative acts, cases of the European Court of Human Rights and similar judicial fora, etc.), offering an ideal meeting point for students and young researchers from the diverse fields of social sciences, law, economics and humanities. The Summer School provides a proper forum to discuss about the national experiences and state practices on the related subjects of human rights within the European context. With this mission, we are happy to announce the 8th Batthyány Summer School at the Faculty and Postgraduate Doctoral School of Law and Political Sciences of the Széchenyi István University.

Program details

Venue – official programme: Széchenyi István University, Deák Ferenc Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Building J, H-9026 Győr, Áldozat u. 12. (Hungary).

Period: 10-18 July 2013

The Summer School is open for graduate students and PhD candidates as young researchers from the fields of legal, economic, social or international studies from all over Europe. The language of the Summer School is English.

Noted lecturers, experts and professors are going to help to discuss the legal, political, social and economic aspects of the subject of our Summer School. In the morning sessions, we have lectures on thematic issues, and in the afternoon sessions we organize workshop opportunities with the active contribution of the participants.

On the cultural evenings, the participants are going to introduce and exemplify their nation and various national cultures (e.g. history, art, music, cuisine, etc.).

The Summer School will include cultural events and one entrance ticket to the Rába Quelle Thermal Bath and Spa (http://www.rabaquelle.hu/en/index.html).

We present certificates on the participation and lecturing.


Application deadline:

31 May 2013

 How to apply to the 8th Batthyány Summer School?

The application shall include:

- filled application form (attached to this document or can be reaches at the following link: http://blszk.sze.hu/online-application )

- letter of recommendationfrom a professor (not compulsory but recommended)


All documents should be sent via e-mail to Mr. Kecskés, Gábor (kecskesg@sze.hu).

The applicants will be informed about the admission until 15 June 2013.

Information and contact: on the email above.


 Registration fee: 180 EUR. This includes accommodation, one entrance ticket to the Spa (see above) and 2 meals per day (breakfast and lunch/dinner) in a restaurant. The method of payment will be sent via email simultaneously with the notification of admissions of the applicants until 15 June 2013.

We are providing the technical background, the handing-out of the received papers, the publication of the scientific results of our workshop sessions – and unique hospitality.

Further information on our homepages:



Join us on Facebook:



We are looking forward to welcoming You in Győr, visit the website of the city:



Organizers (under the aegis of Széchenyi István University):

 Batthyány Lajos College
Faculty of Law and Political Sciences
Postgraduate Doctoral School





Foundation of the Postgraduate Doctoral School