Legal Studies Contents
Legal Studies on the Contemporary Hungarian Legal System. Presented by the Batthyány Lajos College
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Edited by: János Kálmán, 2014, Győr, Univeristas Nonprofit Kft. - Batthyány Lajos Szakkollégium, 376 p. ISBN 978-615-5298-33-2 (print), ISBN 978-615-5298-34-9 (online)
András CZEBE | How Act C of 2012 Transformed the Regulation of Violent Sexual Crimes in Hungary (13)
Csaba ERDŐS | Hungarian Parliamentary Law under the Control of the Strasbourg Court (27)
Ádám FARKAS | State and its Defence as Historical Constellation -Thoughts on the Historical Improvement of Modern States’ Armed Defence with Regards to Carl Schmitt’s Tropes of Total State and Total War (39)
Júlia FEHÉR | Aspects for the Establishment of More Efficient Communications Consumer Protection (61)
Csilla GÖMBÖS | Through the “Lenses” of the High Representative – Staffing Issues of the EEAS Review (88)
Laura HEGEDŰS | A New Opportunity in Alternative Advertising – Product Placement in Hungarian Media Law (111)
István HORVÁTH | Bitcoin’s Role and Position in Financial Relations of the 21st Century (128)
János KÁLMÁN | The International Regulation of Private Security Providers – a Brief Analysis (148)
Roland KELEMEN | Posterior Norm Control in Hungary after the Abolition of Actio Popularis (174)
Barna Arnold KESERŰ | Review on the Role of Green Technologies in Hungarian Policies Concerning Sustainability (190)
László KNAPP | Diverging Approaches of the Hungarian Constitutional Court Concerning the Position of EU Law in the Domestic Legal Order (224)
János KRIZSÁN | EU Training Mission in Mali – 2013 (242)
Márta PATAKI | Beziehungsgewalt – Der Vergleich der Ungarischen und Österreichischen Regelung (260)
Alex PONGRÁCZ | The Tropes of Globalization (275)
Dávid PONGRÁCZ | Meinungsfreiheit vs. Würde der Gemeinden: Ein Einblick in das ungarische Recht (292)
Tamás SZENTGYÖRGYVÁRI | Anfangszeiten der Selbständigen Gesetzlichen Regelung Bezüglich der Wohnlage der Ausländer in Ungarn (313)
Máté TRENYISÁN | Spezielle Regelungen der Arbeitgeberhaftung für Schäden – Ausnahmen von der Verschuldensunabhängigen Haftung (334)
Lilla VULCZ | The International Development Cooperation by EU with Special Regard to Hungary (354)